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Early Morning Coffee at CERN podcast !

Why does our universe seem to be able almost entirely of matter, with barely any antimatter in sight ? Episode available on Spotify  or Youtube.  

More information can be found here indico

CHIPP School

The Swiss Institute for Particle Physics (CHIPP) hosts an annual winter school based on the  activities of the swiss institutes involved in particle and astro-particle physics.  The purpose of the school is to offer young physicists an opportunity to learn about recent advances in elementary-particle physics from local and world-leading researchers. The school program includes lectures on accelerator and non-accelerator particle physics (detectors, LHC physics, neutrinos, astrophysics, flavor physics) from an experimental and phenomenological perspective.


Is Alice's rabbit made of anti-matter ? being an intriguing, philosophical and recurring theme in science-fiction films, what do we know about antimatter today? In particular, what does it tell us about the notion of time? In this talk, we’ll take you back in time to the Big Bang, the creation of matter and antimatter. Thanks to discrete symmetries, physics offers us a mathematical framework for linking and describing the differences between matter and antimatter.  We’d like to provide some insight into the question: “Why has antimatter disappeared from our Universe?” This then raises the question of how we can study what has disappeared. CERN’s experiments enable us to make antimatter, allowing us to explore its properties and unravel its mysteries. We’ll choose examples from the myriads of experimental techniques to illustrate how scientists are tackling this topic.


Recording available :


CERN Summer student lectures  - 2024 edition 

A recording of my flavour physics lectures can be found here:

And more information about the programme here:

ICHEP 2024 - Prague



"À lʹoccasion des 70 ans du CERN (Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire), CQFD sʹest rendu sur place, à Meyrin, pour découvrir son riche programme dʹanniversaire: de lʹhistoire du CERN au Futur Collisionneur Circulaire. Une heure consacrée dans son intégralité à cette institution foisonnante dʹinnovations technologiques"


In 2020 I defended my habilitation. Three physics analyses based on the LHCb data, focusing on properties of b-baryons such as masses, lifetimes and a lepton universality test are discussed in this manuscript. For each topic, I cherry picked key experimental points that are developed in the manuscript.


The people with whom I work(ed) closely with.



You can view (in French!) a round table about "Time" and what it means from a physics point of view a philosophical point of view etc. All information can be found this link:


With two of my colleagues, we wrote an article for scholarpedia about the properties of the Cabbibo Kobayashi Maskawa matrix, you can read it here:  scholarpedia


This live was recorded from the LHCb control room. We recieved questions from people online


©2024 by Yasmine Amhis 

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